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WiFi: Problems connecting to the network
WiFi: Problems connecting to the network

If you have checked the network and ONSCREEN device does not connect to the internet, see if solution is in this article

Updated over a month ago

Error 99 - Network name or password Incorrect

If you are using the QR Code to connect the ONSCREEN device and it tries to connect but returns this error (seen on the TV screen), it is probably true that the wrong password is being used (or the password is to a different network). Here are some points to check:

Network Not Matching

On the ONSCREEN mobile app, we fill in the network name with the one the phone is connected to. The phone may be able to connect to different networks in the same location, such as "Grandma's Home Network" and "Grandma's Home Network-5G". These may have different passwords. Even small changes in a network's name matter.

If you see a mismatch, correct it by using the back arrow on the upper left of the screen displaying the QR Code. Now tap the network name and edit it to match the right network exactly. It should also show up on the Available networks list shown on the TV under "Let's connect your network".

Password is wrong

If you've checked the password using your mobile phone to connect to the network, then you should double check what the ONSCREEN device is seeing. Watch the TV closely while it tries to connect. It will show the network it is trying to connect to, then when the error is displayed, it will show what password it tried. Look to see this is exactly what you expect. Note that phones will often add a space to the password if it looks like a word, so make sure if the attempted password is supposed to be "onscreen" it doesn't look like "onscreen " in the error message. Go back and edit form on mobile app to fix.

Blue Light turned on, still get error

The blue light on the ONSCREEN unit indicates the ONSCREEN device can reach the WiFi router. If we are still saying we cannot connect, it means we can reach the router but not reach the internet. There are a few things that can cause this. Try these steps:

  • Give it a few minutes -- sometimes it recovers on its own

  • Unplug the ONSCREEN device AC adapter, count to five, plug it back in

  • Reboot the router

If these are successful, you should see "Let's connect your Account" on the TV. Your mobile app should still have the QR Code screen up. Show the QR Code from the mobile app to the camera (again).

If this does not work, call support or use the in app help system to send a message.

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