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WiFi: Checking the Network Before Installation
WiFi: Checking the Network Before Installation

A stable internet connection is vital to have high quality video calls. If you are unsure or have questions, start with this guide.

Updated over 2 months ago

Checking the WiFi Network

You can run these steps before your ONSCREEN device arrives to make sure the installation goes smooth. If you are having trouble connecting your ONSCREEN device to the internet, you should start here and then look at our

Network Name and Password

To begin, it is a good idea to check that you have the correct network name (SSID) and password. A very practical approach is to use your mobile phone as a test tool. On the mobile phone, open the network settings and try to join the WiFi network using the expected password. If you are already connected, 'Forget Network' and then try to join.

  • On iPhones, this is Settings > WiFi

  • On Androids, this is Settings > Network & internet WiFi

If your phone can connect, you have the right Network name and password. These are both case sensitive, so you should write them down carefully to use with the ONSCREEN device.

Normal Internet Connection

Once the mobile phone is connected to the WiFi network you will be using, you can check to see if the network is suitable for video calls. Make sure the mobile is using the WiFi network (you can turn off cellular data to be sure) and see if you can reach a website without a 'captive portal' showing up. If you try going to and the browser opens it up directly, there is no captive portal. If instead, a page shows up showing the homescreen of the assisted living facility or a page asking for room number, you have a captive portal. Ask the facility IT department if there is an 'open' network you can use instead.

Testing Network Throughput

Now that you're on the network and able to reach the internet, the next step is to see how fast and reliable the internet connection is. We recommend downloading the app "" from App Store or Google Play and running that. You can also download the ONSCREEN app and on the sign up / login page there is a link that allows you to test the connection. Remember both of these test the mobile phones connection, so you have to be where the TV is located and also double check you are on the right WiFi network. Remember video is 2-way, so you'll have to look at results for both directions in Speedtest.

256kbps / < 1 mbps (1000kbps)

This is not able to support quality video calls. Will see pixelated images and jerky motion

We recommend upgrading the service or seeing if there is another network to connect to.

1 mbps to 5 mbps

This is enough to support good quality, but depends on other users and may have times with lower quality.

Try it out to see if it supports good calls. It might work well most of the time.

5 mbps and above

You should get good results.

This is a suitable network

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